Rapid Auto Loans allows customers to borrow money based on the equity in their current vehicle, no matter what kind of credit history they may have. This allows customers to refinance their used car loans without the hassle, and always with professional service. We even offer same-day approval with no penalties for prepayments. The only requirement is that your vehicle is registered. Simply put, if your vehicle is registered and on the road, you’re good to go!
With millions of borrowers, we are a leading provider in short-term installment loans. Because many people “below prime” find themselves underserved by other lenders, we recognized a unique niche to help people out in delicate financial situations. Our loans are payable in reasonable monthly installments, typically within 12 months. Our interest rates are regulated by the state of Florida. They are similar to credit card interest rates, ranging from 18% to 30%. Read on to learn more about our vision, and the best reasons you should consider choosing us for your car loan needs.
Rapid Auto Loans was founded over ten years ago in Pompano Beach, Florida. Since then, we have had the honor of serving customers in 60 counties, with a goal of expanding our services nationwide. Currently, we have 22 locations in highly visible areas, such as shopping centers and other popular tourist spots. We provide immediate access to short-term loans for your car. Our method is based solely on the condition of your car and the equity that’s been built into it, not your customer credit. We’re unlike other loan companies in that we make good credit a condition of service; we understand that everyone should have the opportunity to grow from previous misguided financial choices. You can start rebuilding that credit history with an approved loan from us, and start moving on with your life. Our main prerequisite is that you have auto insurance.
One thing that separates us from traditional bank loans is our target market. Bad credit history can take years to correct, which can cause degrees of financial distress and missed opportunities for growth in the meantime. We don’t believe that people should be essentially punished for life by a bad credit history, especially when they are committed to making responsible choices in the future. Because our customers are using their own vehicles for collateral, we have developed a base that is quite loyal (our impeccable customer service also helps). In fact, as a result of this business model, nearly half of our sales come from repeat clients. These clients are people who have fully serviced their loans over their 1-year term of contract.
Rapid Auto Loans has no delays when it comes to accessing funds. Traditional loan companies may require several business days; we know our customers prefer it immediately! This practice is changing the common conception that quick turnaround time means the transaction is high risk. This is not only more convenient for our clients but ensures customer loyalty. We are always attracting new markets by expanding in new territories, without changing our business practice or regulations. We are proudly licensed in the state of Florida and are extremely thorough in our documentation of vehicle equity. This includes assessing the car’s physical condition, with photographic evidence of its appearance for our records.
Government Fee
Credit investigative Fee
Documentary Stamp Tax
Total amount Financed
Original Loan Date
Monthly Payment (x12)
© 2025 Rapid Auto Loans. 954-510-9052