Rapid Auto Loans is very happy to provide customers with the opportunity to get the loan they desperately need. No matter what type of credit history you may have, or how much money you are looking to borrow, Rapid Auto Loans is happy to provide a loan service that will get you the money you need in a quick time frame. There are no hassles with these loans thanks to the great customer service on offer.
Now, you may wonder why you need a loan that is similar to a car title loan? There are a multitude of situations that may lead a person into a situation where they need such a loan. Perhaps you have a bunch of bills to pay, or the holidays are coming up and you have to spend money on gifts for your family, or you went through a medical emergency and were not able to work for a few weeks. All of these are reasons why a loan from Rapid Auto Loans would make a lot of sense for you.
The process for getting the loan is really easy. All you have to do is go online and apply for the loan. You will find that a vast majority of loans are approved within 24 hours, with some being approved in a few hours. Whether you are going to pay your loan back within the exact framework given in the contract, or you pay it back ahead of time, you should not run into any issues. When you go beyond the payment dates, you may incur additional interest payments.
One of the reasons why Rapid Auto Loans is so successful is because we are proud to help our customers get the loans they need, and the customers are appreciative of the services we are offering. With these loans, which are similar to a car title loan, you do not even have to give up your vehicle. Yes, you are reading correctly. You will get to keep your car and you can drive it around. As long as you are putting it up as collateral, you can do with it what you want after the loan agreement has been made.
The reason the company started was to help people who may not have had the necessary credit to get the loan they needed for themselves or their family. We are not in the business of judging people or their circumstances. All we know is that we are here to help people when they need it the most. If you need cash quickly, and you want to get it with a safe loan that is not going to put you further in debt, we are offering the best solution for you with our loans.
We are a financing company that has all the necessary licenses to operate all across the United States. All the loans are provided with a complete contract that you must read and sign before you get the money. If you want a friend or a lawyer to look over the contract, it is not a problem. We want our customers to feel 100 percent comfortable when getting a loan from us.
Government Fee
Credit investigative Fee
Documentary Stamp Tax
Total amount Financed
Original Loan Date
Monthly Payment (x12)
© 2025 Rapid Auto Loans. 954-510-9052