Do you need money fast? Everyone has those times where they need cash for one reason or another. Emergencies happen when we least expect them, and sometimes they can be really, really costly. So what do you do if something comes up that you can’t afford to deal with? Do you go to friends or family in order to get cash quickly? Do you try and get a loan from an Ocala area bank? You don’t have to go with either of those options, you know. You can get quick cash, almost immediately, with an auto title loan.
Rapid Auto Loans is similar to a car title loan company that stands heads and shoulders above the rest. Instead of taking your car away when you take out a loan, we just take your title until the loan is paid off. This means that you are able to use your vehicle, as you usually would, without any worry. Rapid Auto Loans wants to work with you in order to ensure that you get your loan paid with little to no inconvenience to you.
An advantage of going through Rapid Auto Loans is that you can apply for your loan in the morning and be approved before the end of the day. Within 24 hours, you can have your loan in hand. How do we do it? Well, you see, loans go through a lot more quickly when you don’t have to deal with credit reports and credit scores. All that we need in order to process your loan and approve you is your vehicle value, your employment information, and your residence history. Those three things are the only things that stand between you and a quick loan. This means that, even if you don’t have very good credit, you can get a loan from Rapid Auto Loans.
Rapid Auto Loans was organized specifically to provide our customers with immediate access to funds. That means that you don’t need to wait for the bank in order to get the money you need right now. Rapid Auto Loans wants to help you get through your emergency and give you important resources so you can get through the tough times. Traditional financing cannot guarantee that, so why shouldn’t you consider using Rapid Auto Loans instead?
Does it sound too good to be true? It's not, but you may still have questions about Rapid Auto Loans and how we are better than auto title loans. That’s fine; we have multiple ways that you can contact our customer service professionals. If you need help or further assistance, call our Ocala office at (352)-274-9350. Our customer service professionals will be glad to help you with whatever questions or concerns that you may have.
Licensing: Rapid Auto Loans is licensed in the state of Florida as a consumer finance company. We are licensed under Statute 516, which is the license covering consumer finance companies. In our licensing, we are considered a consumer finance company which provides immediate, short term loans based on vehicle equity instead of customer credit.
Government Fee
Credit investigative Fee
Documentary Stamp Tax
Total amount Financed
Original Loan Date
Monthly Payment (x12)
© 2025 Rapid Auto Loans. 954-510-9052