Have you ever been in a bind, or are you in one now? Everyone struggles with cash on occasion, and sometimes it’s difficult for you to ask for help. Getting a loan may be difficult; if you have poor credit or are underemployed, you will definitely have a hard time getting one. Asking friends and family for cash can be irritating, and they may not have the cash to offer you. Think you’re out of options? That’s not true; have you ever considered getting a car title loan in Jacksonville?
Rapid Auto Loans is similar to an auto title loan company that specializes in offering loans to those Jacksonville area residents who may have issues with getting loans. We provide loans to consumers with poor credit because their credit is not the determining factor in obtaining a loan- your vehicle is. Instead of having to go through an intense credit check, you only have to provide some simple information: your vehicle’s value, your current employment, and your residence history. That’s it, and then we can make a decision within a day. That means you can have your emergency cash within a 24 hour period.
Here are some of the best benefits that we offer:
- Apply today and be approved by the end of the day; why should you have to wait?
- Online application available for a quick and easy application process. Apply online for faster processing.
- No pre-payment penalties, ever.
- You only pay interest for the period of time that your loan is outstanding, instead of for the period of time that your loan was “supposed to be for.”
But perhaps our best feature is that we allow you to keep your car while you’re paying on the loan. In order to obtain the auto title loan, we take possession of the hard copy of your title, but we don’t take possession of your car. That means that you get to go on with life as you usually do, even though you’ve taken out a loan on our your vehicle. We at Rapid Auto Loans want to make sure that you don’t lose your car, so that you can succeed in your debt management.
Before you decide to apply for a loan like an auto title loan with Rapid Auto Loans, you may have some questions. Rest assured, we have some of the best customer service agents in the business. So, if you have any questions, concerns, or if you need assistance with your application, make sure to call our Jacksonville office at (904)-236-4962 as soon as possible. We can’t wait to talk to you and help you get out of your financial bind quickly.
Legal information. Rapid Auto Loans is licensed in the State of Florida as a consumer finance company. Rapid Auto Loans is licensed under Florida Statute 516; consumer finance. We are listed as a consumer finance company, specializing in loans based on vehicle equity and not any form of credit. If you have further questions about our legal information, feel free to contact us as well.
Government Fee
Credit investigative Fee
Documentary Stamp Tax
Total amount Financed
Original Loan Date
Monthly Payment (x12)
© 2025 Rapid Auto Loans. 954-510-9052